Minecraft CreepyPasta Wiki

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Minecraft CreepyPasta Wiki

ok. this is probably gonna be the worst pasta ill ever make depending on what the admins think.[]

i wont edit this frequently because its not gonna regard these things

-past my line- creepy player

-past my line- gore (i probably wont though)

so beware. read this with caution. this is a continued pasta of Yellow steve. so beware if you remember last time exploding master was the one who witnessed the creation of yellow steves so this may include them. anyways lets begin. BE CAREFUL

Chapter 1- mutation of a player[]

explodingmaster99: huh where am i?

jeff the killer: lol.

explodingmaster99: AHHHHHH

herobrine: welcome. you are about to become an entity yellow steve sent us to finish the job.

null: herobrine. he will not be a full entity. he is a minecraft player! how will you make that transfer?

herobrine: jeff. do you have any experience with being an entity?

jeff the killer: no. im not really an entity. but i became a killer and earned my spot as a creepypasta in a place called real life.

herobrine: wait whats real life?

jeff the killer: the land of players.

herobrine: get the adress of explodingmaster99 and exterminate him

explodingmaster99: WAIT NO!!!!!!!!!!

they were gone explodingmaster went to run and hide. he ran out of his room packed supplies and ran away. it was the most scary experience he had dealt with. he was shaking in fear he had no idea where to go. either the city. or the woods. the woods would be all alone. and if he went to the city jeff could find him immediately. but. explodingmaster wanted to try. but then he remembered green steve controlls roots and plants. he ran to the woods. but jeff found the woods first. he used herobrines power to freeze him. then jeff ran to exploding master pulled out his knife, and jeff said.

go to sleep.

explodingmaster: I just got a jeff reference from jeff himself. savage! but why isnt he attacking.? AHHHHHHHHHHH!

jeff went behind him. explodingmaster laid there. silent. on the grass. jeff picked him up. and transfered his soul into minecraft with herobrines power.

Chapter 2 how a player becomes an entity.[]

expl0diNgMaSt3R☺: WH3re am I..

herobrine: we have done our job. leave, before he rampages. we sent too much power in him!

null: WHAT! I knew this was a bad idea!

herobrine: it was your idea actually. he is the biggest threat now! we need to leave!

null: get 303! he will be able to help!

herobrine: i can see blood trailing behind him!

null: gross.

and so it was explodingmaster was filled with almost all of herobrines power while it was mixed with null's. but then it would be then that the hand of the universe would be destroyed with minecraft if explodingmaster was released from the herobrine dimension.

Chapter 3 close call for minecraft.[]

a player in minecraft by the name of leapingjuice678 was making his way to the ender dragon he had diamond armor and a netherite chestplate. pretty good. but then the herobrine dimension opened in his world with explodingmaster coming out. he was worse than ever his skin was filled with holes. his face was red and his eyes were 0s he was also holding a netherite sword. enchanted. he was ready. but then he realized that the job he was doing was for himself. it boosted his pride. leapingjuice went out of the nether and saw explodingmaster.

leapingjuice678: wait, im in singleplayer. but i havent heard of this entity! what are you.? did i just discover a new entit- WOAH!

expl0diNgMaSt3R☺: you are nothing to me, come and let me claim you as a dead body!

leapingjuice678: no!

he ran and ran and found himself running straight toward explodingmaster.

leapingjuice678: get away get away get away!!!!!!!!!!!!

expl0diNgMaSt3R☺: come to me!

leapingjuice escaped and he thought of traps. but then he realized he can just disconnect. but he wanted to delete the world while explodingmaster was in a trap. he got tnt and pressure plates and built a house. he added tripwires for exploding master to run into once he got in he would place the string so that explodingmaster would fall in the pit and explode so he got ready. explodingmaster teleported

leapingjuice678: come and get me!

exploding master took the bait and leapingjuice ran in he placed the string and explodingmaster ran into it. he fell in the pit and tnt landed leaping juice disconnected and deleting the world. ever since this, explodingmaster was never seen again. soon leaping juice found out he befriended the original green steve and discovered yellow steves. leaping juice also found out the story of explodingmaster of how he went to minecraft and ended up in the herobrine dimension. so then leapingjuice was haunted by this ever since. and he never played minecraft again.
