Minecraft CreepyPasta Wiki

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Minecraft CreepyPasta Wiki

Written by BluestoneActive65

Part 1 - April 10, 2016[]

I was in Minecraft Xbox 360 TU34, looking for diamonds. I had full iron armor, and had 2 stacks of gold to make rails for the redstone system I was making.

I was playing with two other people, my school friends, Logan and Brian.

I walked away from the house we built, and I got lost in under five minutes, because in Minecraft it is VERY easy to get lost. I just walked farther away, when I suddenly wandered into a spruce biome, the one with a crap ton of podzol and coarse dirt. I kept walking until I reached a staircase that was hidden in the trees.

I walked down the stairs in this buried stone brick room with cobwebs and cyan wool patterns on the wall forming the number '12'. At the other side of the room, I found a jukebox and a chest. Inside the chest was a music disc, It was "wait", or, at the time, "where are we now", my personal favorite out of all of them. Just for fun, I put "where are we now" in the jukebox, but when I put it in, something almost completely different played...

It played like the normal where are we now song, but at the two-minute mark it started getting distorted. And on the three-minute mark, it just turned into a mixture of static and LOUD Enderman noises that got faster and faster, seconds later it was so ridiculously fast that it was pretty much static.

But 3 minutes and 43 seconds in, it stopped, and instead played ominous tuba sounds.

Then the disc ejected itself. I used my flint and steel and lit the disc on fire, and it burned until there was nothing left of it.

I then struck up a conversation with Logan and Brian in an Xbox group chat.

antomventure: guys youre never gonna believe this, but i found some creepy stuff on our world

cubelogan: what did you find

antonventure: just teleport over here, and bring the "where are we now" music disc with you if you have it!

herobrian: ok????

About ten seconds later, Logan and Brian teleported to me. I told them about what I heard, and they asked me to play it in the jukebox for them. 

But this time, it was different.

This time, the disc just played static until 50 seconds in, then it began playing the ominous tuba sounds again. Then where are we now started playing like normal, but after twenty seconds, it played REALLY loud Ghast shrieks right into my ears.

It then played static for the rest of the song before the disc ejected itself.

herobrian: that freaked me tf out

antomventure: i told you that you wouldn't believe it

cubelogan: I'm gonna try to solve this

antomventure: same

I did as much research as I could on the disc but found nothing.

I just went back into Minecraft, on the same world. But now the jukebox and the disc were gone along with the buried room, and the where are we now music disc had disappeared from my entire inventory.I set the game mode to creative so I could fly back home.

I found a jukebox next to my bed, and "where are we now" was sitting on top of it. It was now labeled C418 - 12 in my inventory.

Disc 12 remaster

Music Disc: C418 - 12

I played it because I wanted to see if it sounded different. But the only thing it played was screaming, then static, then weird sound frequencies in a random order, then static, then breathing, then screaming, then it cut back to static for the rest of the song.

I also noticed that the disc's color had changed. It went from black around the middle and blue in the middle to looking like Disc 13, however instead of being colored yellow and white in the middle, it was colored blue and white in the middle. I took note of the blue, as where are we now has a blue texture.

I ejected the disc, Logan and Brian had joined the party and the world. They then flew over to our base.

herobrian: i didn't find anything on that

antomventure: me neither

cubelogan: I found something. apparently disc 12 was supposed to be added with 13 and cat, the first two music discs, but it got scrapped for being "too creepy"

antomventure: yeah lmfao i'd buy that for like 0.1 seconds

I left the party.

Part 2 - April 12, 2016[]

Okay, so recently, I did more research on Disc 12. And I've found... some stuff. Apparently, I'm not the only one who's seen Disc 12. The actual first finding of "12" was first documented on the Minecraft Forums website in October 2011 by user clydeamosfortune6, however, their account has now been deleted for unknown reasons.

When I went back on Minecraft today, I spawned in my house, and another player was in my bedroom, just standing there. They had a default Steve skin, but with an ender dragon head on. The player then approached me and started hitting me. I got out my iron sword and swung at it, which didn't do shit, so then he hit me again and I, of course, died.

The death message said that I was slain by TWELFTH_ENTITY.

That's when I started thinking to myself even more: Who is TWELFTH_ENTITY? All I can say is that It's probably related to Disc 12 in some way.

I looked up "minecraft twelfth_entity" multiple times but I found nothing.

By this point I knew I had to investigate or I'd be too confused to focus on anything else. So I started posting stuff on Reddit about Disc 12 and TWELFTH_ENTITY. But of course, nobody there believed me. So I took numerous screenshots of the two, but everyone speculated that they were fake and I was up to something. But then this one user said that he had also saw Disc 12 and TWELFTH_ENTITY in his Minecraft world as well.

I then got a message from a user named Entity12 on Discord. It was just a single image, but upon closer inspection, I realized that it was an image of my backyard. In the grass, there was a CD lying on the ground that had the words “PLAY ME” scribbled on it.

Part 3 - April 20, 2016[]

Some time passed, and I was now playing the new Minecraft TU35 hotfix. I had spawned in a brand new world, and the second I spawned in, I saw something in the distance.

I came closer to it, only to find out it was a sign, with nothing written on it. I also saw patches of podzol. I dug into the podzol and before I knew it, I fell all the way down to very low Y coordinates and in a water pool. I was in a ridiculously massive cave with leaf patches hanging from the ceiling.

There were no ores in the cave, or any granite, diorite or andesite. There was just stone and a little bit of gravel. I had to go into creative and get a night vision potion because it was way too dark. I had the difficulty set to Normal, but there were strangely no mobs at all. Not even a single bat showed up. After about 11 minutes, I ran into a dead end. There was a sign at the dead end saying:

“Go to *****************, stay on the path, and you will learn the truth."

The thing I censored were coordinates. Not Minecraft coordinates. REAL coordinates. And coordinates that weren't too far from my house, either.

So I exited Minecraft and walked to the coordinates I was given. I went to the location, and I found myself in a messy, abandoned parking lot in the middle of a forest. I figured this was just a prank, but the sign did say to stay on a path. It was only then that I saw a torn up bridge leading over a moat of water, and then I realized what it was talking about. I went across the bridge and saw a path of crumbled papers saying random things like “IT’S NOT MY FAULT”, “I DIDN’T WANT TO”, “I HAD NO CHOICE”, and “I DIDN’T WANT TO KILL HIM”.

After a while of walking, I came across a big area with a rock in the center. There were sticks planted into the ground surrounding the rock. But what was beyond that area shook me to my core. It was a man’s body laying on the ground, lifeless. His body was decayed, as if it had been there for a long time. A noose was around his neck with the top ripped off. I found the other half of the noose tied to a tree above the body, so he probably hung himself and the noose ripped.

I was sickened at the sight but fought the urge to puke. I noticed a small book next to him. It was filled with notes apparently written by Notch himself. They were pretty boring notes, just Mojang update logs from 2009-2010, but two particular notes caught my eye:

“I had to let an employee go today. He was a good guy but after what he did yesterday, I can't let him stay. I've got something to uphold here.”

“Turns out the guy I fired a couple weeks ago committed suicide in a forest in a different country. I would say it’s important, but hey, nothing’s important! Anyway, coding bug, coding bug, yeah yeah I get it already...”

The date of the last one also caught my eye, it was dated 2010-07-30.

July 30, 2010, if you didn’t know, was the day that Disc 13 got added to Minecraft.

Part 4 - April 23, 2016[]

I think I've finally pieced together the story behind TWELFTH_ENTITY.

A former Mojang Employee (who was named Rex according to the other notes) was fired by Notch after committing a murder which he had apparently been pressured into by an accomplice, who had his name scratched out. Rex flew to my state, and hung himself in a forest, at a spot where he knew nobody went to anymore. The player who attacked me in Minecraft, built the stone brick room with the disc and jukebox, and edited my world and changed my spawn was maybe the "ghost" of Rex.

I have yet to find out what Rex wants from me. But then again, I'm not even sure if it's actually Rex. Maybe it's another ghost related to Rex somehow.

Today I also decided to play the PLAY ME disc near my house.

It started with static, then It cut to the face of Notch. All he said was, "Goodbye, Rex."

Then It showed Rex's bloody face, screaming "THIS IS ALL MY FAULT" over and over again. However, for the last frame of the video, I could've sworn I saw another man behind Rex. It ended up ejecting itself after that.

I might get back to this if I can.

Part 5 - May 2, 2016[]

So... I might have had a run-in with the guy Rex murdered. And no, it's not as far-fetched as it sounds.

I was still tearing my hair out over the mystery of this whole thing. Trying to figure out whether TWELFTH_ENTITY was the ghost of Rex, someone related to him, or someone else entirely.

And then I decided to play MInecraft. Weird of me, I know.

But this time, I decided to go back to me and my friends' multiplayer world, where I found Disc 12 in the first place. I spawned in my house, and surprisingly nothing unusual was happening. At least, not for the first 5 minutes.

I invited both of my friends, but they seemed to be doing other things. So I played by myself for a bit, but got bored, so I tried to entertain myself by building the most random shit.

However, I kept feeling like something was following me the whole time.

Eventually, while I was building my meatball statue (yes, it's exactly what it sounds like), I turned around, and saw him. TWELFTH_ENTITY.

We locked eyes. Because normally when I see creepy things staring at me, I lock eyes with them, so I can sort of be prepared for when/if they're gonna try something.

But all he did was place a sign down, stand still for a minute, and then walk away.

The sign said something else this time.

"Hello! I am Lee."


So this "Lee" person is TWELFTH_ENTITY. At least I think. But then that raised the question: Who is Lee, and is he related to Rex in any way?

I put down a sign myself. "Who's Lee?"

He responded.

"Rex's victim."


We both started communicating with each other though signs.

"So you're the guy Rex killed?"

"That's true."

"So why are you stalking me? Shouldn't you be stalking the guy who told Rex to kill you?"

"That's why I'm here, after all."


"I need you to find Finneas."

Finneas? Is that Rex's accomplice?

"Find him where?"

"Oh trust me, you'll know when you see him!"

He left the game after that. And I did too. I couldn't stop asking myself questions. Once again, I was left with an enigma.

Well, looks like I'm gonna have to find Finneas.

Update: It's BluestoneActive65. On a different account. I'll update this soon.
