Minecraft CreepyPasta Wiki

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Minecraft CreepyPasta Wiki

Note this is my first creepypasta writing so sorry if it's bad or too short

I had woken up on a nice day and would plan too do what i usually do everytime my parents would leave me home alone. Invite friends and play minecraft except when i looked out the window there was about 5 feet of snow so there goes the friends part

I walked down stairs and hopped on the computer opening it up and getting down to playing and it had been a nice game until i noticed something odd my character would glitch or spasm a couple times but i kept playing eventually ignoring it but eventually the game crashed thanks to the storm

So i hopped off and sat on the couch watching the news and falling asleep

A loud sound woke me up i glanced around the dark room i looked out the window to see it was night a noise came to the kitchen and it caught my attention i got up from the couch and walked to the noise and saw my computer was on with a weird image it looked like Steve but had no pupils and had a little broken cross on it there was blood than i heard footsteps and words appeared saying behind you

I slowly turned to see the figure standing over me it was huge hitting the ceiling then an arm came striking down with a powerful force
